DREAMWARE COMMUNICATIONS REGISTRATION FORM ------------------------------------------ Registration of BattleShip is $10.00 (U.S. Funds Only!). Please enclose your check or money order, payable to Andy Stewart with this form. Please answer all of the following questions: Name:____________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ City:__________________________State:__________Zip:______________ Telephone Number:________________________________________________ Check Here ____BattleShip $ 10.00 ____I want you to call me and upload the keyfile ($5) _____ ____I will call your BBS and download the keyfile (Free) _____ ____Mail me a disk with the keyfile on it ____5.25____3.5 ($3) _____ ____Send the key over WWIVnet (Free) _____ Net Address __________________________________________ Total Enclosed _______ Name and alias, password, and phone number to use to log on to DreamNET to download your keyfile, if "Will Call" was chosen above : _______________________________________________________________________ You may also call DreamNET (ITS-TMP-DOWN) and register online by credit card... There is a $5.00 processing charge for this service. Additional Information (for my records): Do you operate a BBS: [ ] Yes [ ] No If you checked yes, what is it's name, number, and type of BBS software: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Any additional comments: (Including my logon info if I am to upload the key) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Mail To: Andy Stewart R 14 Box 518 Bedford, IN 47421 THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING DREAMLIST NOTE: At the moment, the best way to contact me is 1@8398 WWIVnet/ICEnet or the above address. This is due to my being in the middle of moving. (The above address is temp)